Monday 17 October 2016


Hi guys, today we are here again to give you some tips in making academic power point presentation (PPT). Not interested?? But believe me; PPT making is not as funny as you think. Don't get scared, I mean to say PPT needs professional look to create interest on viewers. Sometimes, you could not get good marks in your PPT assignment after giving your effort and making it so nicely. So, let’s tell you, it is because of your poor packaging. It is little confusing because packaging is related to product manufacturing while PPT is used for information presentation. Is not it?
Always keep in mind, PPT is closely related to the term ‘presentation' that means your piece of creation must be presentable towards the audience. It not only wants heavy contents or piles of pictures but needs to maintain balance between your contents and pictures. In our academic field, this process is quite different from business presentations as we need to maintain our sincerity and intellectuality in it.
Basically, PowerPoint presentation is visual rhetoric that presents your ideas and speech in same codes through various symbolic points. Below assistances will guide you to prepare your PPT.
Prepare suitable layout
Whenever you are looking for making PPT, first create a suitable layout. Look, you cannot buy any product that has a messy look, right? But if it gets wraps nicely?? Then we will definitely go for it. So prepare your layout that will attract your audience’s attention in its first glance.
Form your subject structure 
As we are preparing our presentation for academic purpose so, make sure you have developed a suitable structure first. Keep in mind, presentation is required to make the audience understand about your idea in short time. So make a clear structure first that will visually present your ideas and important notes to the viewers. If your presentation indicates your report writing, then structure it accordingly or if it will indicate research paper then create different structure.
Avoid forming sentences
Don’t fill your slides with full of sentences and huge contents. Remember, your audience will not interest in reading contents but they want to know your ideas that you need to present.
Use Bullet points
Use bullet points to express your ideas. Make sure your points should emphasise on contents, not in your words. It will be tedious for the audience if they need to move their eyes twice to read and understand given information. For example, don’t use ‘Samsung has surprised their customers by launching new model of Smartphone’. Use ‘New invention in technology’ or like that.
Adjust pictures
PowerPoint presentation is emphasising more on visual presentation rather than your linguistic words. So use some pictures to adjust your visuals. Don’t cover your slides with piles of pictures but use some authentic ones that make your creation genuine. Make your presentation simple but it must have a professional look.
Positively use speaker notes
In academic writing, your speaker notes will be contained all relevant information related with slides. Speaker notes will contain your voice to present your views and ideas towards the audience.
Show appreciation towards your audience 
Always show your appreciation towards your readers. Keep remember, it is your responsibility to make your audience active. So, don’t forget to add ‘THANK YOU’ in your last slide to appreciate audience to give their time on your creation.

Last, allow yourself for an introductory speech before starting your presentation. A good introductory speech can always create affection among your viewers. Hope, now you will be quite ready to prepare your PPT assignment for semester. Wishing you all the best!!Just move on with your effort...

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