Friday, 28 April 2017

Consumer Behavior (SM32)


Consumer satisfaction is a major factor for the success of business organisations. Therefore, it is one of the major objective of the business organisations that have to achieve by them to run their business activities successfully and increase the market share for the in the industry. The satisfaction of the consumers depends on the quality of the products and services provided by the business organisations. The consistency in the quality of the products can produce some loyal customers for the organisations. Some new organisations also provide some rewards for producing loyal consumers in the market. The business organisations have to recognize the behavior of the consumer to acquire the knowledge about the process of satisfying the customers. However, the business organisations try to satisfy the customers by meeting the requirements and demand of the consumers (Solomon, 2014, p.235). Consumer satisfaction also depends on the after sales services provided by the organisations. Business organisations have to use some appropriate techniques and tools to acquire a brief knowledge about the demand and requirements of the customers. Organisation also tries to design and develop their products according to the requirements of the consumers to achieve high customer satisfaction. The following research proposal provides a brief knowledge about the process by which the modern business organisations acquire the knowledge about the Consumer behavior. The process followed by the business organisations to produce some loyal customers in the market also will be mentioned in the study.  

Overview of the Whitakers Chocolates ltd

The research proposal also provides brief knowledge about the process followed by the Whitakers Chocolate ltd to produce some loyal customers in the market. Whittaker's chocolate ltd is one of the leading chocolate manufacturing companies in UK which was established by the John and Rebecca Whitakers in 1889. The Company successfully satisfies the customers with their chocolate products for the last 128 years. The company also develops their technologies and production process of the chocolates according to the demand of customers. In resent the company produces 10 million chocolate products every week.               

Task 1

1.1 Outlining Loyalty of Consumers and effects of Reward Schemes

Consumer loyalty can be explained as ‘the outcome of consistent experiences of positive emotions’ which provides the customers satisfaction based on physical attributes including the product or service offered and their perceived values. It, thus, refers to the emotional bond that the consumer has with Whitakers Chocolates ltd. that accounts for the loyalty.
Consumer Loyalty: As per Peter et al. (2013, p.122), to hold back old consumers is easier than attracting new consumers. For this reason, consumer experience management appears to be the most effective approach to rise up consumer satisfaction, retaining them and driving their loyalty to a higher level. Loyal customers are more inclined to buy supplementary products and services while ensuring sales, thus saving expenses related to the education of consumers and marketing the product.
Loyalty Schemes and Reward Programs: Consumers making frequent purchases are offered the loyalty program. Such schemes and programs allow the consumer beforehand access to special coupons on sales, merchandises for free. It even includes chances to lay hands on Whitakers Chocolates ltd.’s new products before general consumers can.
Overall effect on consumer psychology: Taking into account the peaking competitions in today’s business landscape, such programs can help the organisation stand ahead of other firms competing in the race. Such distinction happens to be effective in occupying the attention and loyalty of consumers while boosting profits as the consumer happens to cherish the product or service in present and even after its use (Chernev et al. 2015, p. 341).

1.2 Factors influencing the selection of the research project

     Societal Issues: with the change in society, new topics emerge out which require attention. Whether to choose a topic or not and to carry out research on it is influenced mainly by its importance in the changing society. With new trends, new issues arise. To understand these new issues, new researches have to be conducted.
     Researcher Values: Based on the beliefs, interests and the values one holds, the researcher may be instigated to choose a topic. It can often be the outcome based on the experiences the researcher holds, religion he belongs to, his social class, and may be even based on how he or she wants the society to change.
     Perspectives: Perceptions vary from person to person. Based on the insights of the researcher and also, what and how interests him, the researcher may wish to choose a topic he finds suitable as per his interest.
     Funding: Money is of the chief essence in all research related works. Thus the availability of funds to carry forward the research is very significant. The more the topic appears to affect the society for its good, easier may it be to attract funding. It is a must for researchers to be able to afford the ongoing the research on the topic they propose.
     Data availability: The availability of data for a new topic or access to data existing before hand for smooth operation of the research must be kept in mind. Often researchers are attracted to fields with gaps. But they must keep in mind the availability of data if they wish to fill the gap.

1.3 Reviewing the main factors for choosing the topic:

     Critical analysis of socially conditioned psychologies: In the blooming era of consumerism, understanding the mindsets, viewpoints and behaviors of consumers is of chief importance to expect the smooth consumption of the product or service being provided (Wirtz et al. 2007, p. 332).
     Availability of data: Easy collection of data through questionnaires on public forums, social platforms and daily consumers in the market. This not only helps in understanding the needs of the consumers but also realizing the expectations they wish to be fulfilled by Whitakers Chocolates ltd. they are loyal to.
     Understanding the effect of loyalty schemes on consumer can be made from a wide range of people: With the rise of brand loyalty, consumers have become more consistent with their choices (Yi and Jeon, 2003, p. 231). Based on Whitakers Chocolates ltd./brand’s strategies, loyalty programs to give rewards and incentives such as samples and free gifts attract even confused consumers to their products.
     Focusing on company’s promises and people’s expectations can provide increased profits: As analyzed by Dowling et al. (2003, p. 296), trying to discover the gap between the brand and consumers’ ideals and what exactly they want, Whitakers Chocolates ltd. strives to meet their end. This in the process can lead Whitakers Chocolates ltd. to create new products, pulling in more customers while trying to meet the demands of the ones loyal to them.

1.4 Research Project Proposal: An investigation into Consumer Loyalty and Research Schemes

Customer trends:
World Wide Web - The Promising Factor
In the age of digitalization, most consumers are deeply influenced by the internet.  They fail to accumulate loyal emotions for any particular brand. The availability of excess information on the web helps a consumer to compare and contrast among a wide range of factors before buying a product.
Programs of Direct Purchase:
This program is a method which allows the consumer to purchase stocks in a company first hand, i.e. directly from Whitakers Chocolates ltd. without any broker fees or any kind of commission, the customers are aided an advantage.
Customer Relationship Management:
The principles, guidelines and practices being followed by Whitakers Chocolates ltd. to interact with it consumers is referred to as ‘Customer Relationship Management’ or CRM. The building blocks of CRM include Whitakers Chocolates ltd.’s official website, emails, mass mailings, telephone calls and social media interaction.
Customer Information File:
As opined by Lewis (2004, p. 289) an electronic or physical file storing all exclusive information (personal and account info) of a consumer is known as ‘Customer Information File’ or CIF. The profiles of such sensitive information must be secured to maintain secrecy and accuracy of such sensitive data.
Transferable Points Program:
The transferable point program enables customers to use the points earned by using credit cards to be transferred and used in any other program they are participating in.
Tailored Advertising:
With the rise of internet, tailored advertising has become more widely used strategy. This involves issuing coupons for particular products or services (Keh and Lee, 2006, p. 129). This is based on purchases made in the past using datas to deliver a message on advertising to particular segments of market or campaigns designed to run in particular areas.

1.5 Presentation of a Gantt Chart with respect to research specification

First Week
Second Week
Third Week
Fourth Week
Fifth Week
Sixth Week
Selection of the topic
Collection of secondary data
Literature review
Selection of research technique
Collection of primary data
Data analysis and findings
Developing conclusion
Formation of draft
Submission of final work

Table 1: Gantt Chart
     (Source: Created by the author)

Task 2

2.1: Role of research resources and the relationship between the research resources and research questions and hypothesis

Aim of the research proposal
The main aim of the study is to recognize the benefits of the process of producing loyal customers on the Whitakers Chocolates ltd. The impacts of loyal customers on the market of the company are also a major factor of the company. The research study also provides a brief knowledge about the activities followed by the company to satisfy their customers continuously.  
Objectives of the research proposal
The main objectives of the research proposal are as follows:
A) To identify the activities which are adopted by the Whitakers Chocolate Ltd for producing some loyal customers in the market.
B) To analyze the importance of producing loyal customers in the market.
C) To understand the issues faced by the Whitakers Chocolate ltd to produce the loyal customers in the market?
D) To identify the solutions of the issues faced by the company in the process of producing some loyal customers.
E)   To determine the advantages are being got by the Whitakers Chocolate ltd of the process of producing loyal customers in the market.
F) To recognize the response of the customers towards the products of the Whitakers after the adoption of the activities in the company.
Research Hypothesis
H0:  The effectiveness of the process of producing loyal customers for the company.
H1: The negative impact of the process of producing loyal customers on the Company.     
Research questions:
A) What are the strategies followed by the Whitakers Chocolate ltd to produce some loyal customers in the market?
B) How the strategies help the Whitakers chocolate company to produce leyal customers in the market?
C) What are the impacts of the loyal customers on the Whitakers Chocolate ltd?
D)  What are the factors that help to evaluate the strategies of producing loyal customers in the market?
E) What are the changes made in the Whitakers Chocolate ltd after producing the loyal customers in the market?  
Research resources
The research a resource is the sources of information that help to complete the research proposal in an efficient manner. There are two types of resources can be used in this research proposal the first one  is primary resources and secondary resources. In the primary resource the information are collected from the audiences directly but in the secondary resources the information are collected from the  Journals, magazines, newspapers, websites etc.    
Relationship between the research resources and research question or hypothesis:
There is a deep relationship between the research resources and research questions or hypothesis. The major relationship is the sources of information depend on the type of question required in the research proposal. The research questions or hypothesis of the research proposal provide the objectives for the selection of research resources.    

2.2: Required ‘Questionnaire’ to collect data for the research proposal  

Data collection method- Data collection method provides the information about the process of the collection of data which are relevant for the research proposal. The research proposal can use two types of data collection method the first one is Qualitative data collection method and the other one is Quantitative data collection method.
Qualitative Data Collection: (2 managers)
These types of data collected from the case study, historical research and interview. These data are descriptive in nature and provide important information about the research topic in details. For the collection of these types of data the researcher take interview of two managers of the Whitakers Chocolate ltd.  
Quantitative Data Collection: (20 customers)
This types of data are collected by using different mathematical tools and statistical analysis. The researcher uses some questionnaire and asks the questions to the 20 customers of the company.  
For qualitative (2 questions)
Question 1: What is the role of loyal customers in Whitakers Chocolate Ltd?
Question 2: What are the activities followed by the Whitakers Chocolate Ltd for producing loyal customers in the market?
For quantitative (6 questions)
Question 1: How long you have been customer of Whitakers Chocolate Ltd?
Question 2: How the Chocolate products of the Whitakers satisfy your requirements?
Question 3: How do you agree that the reward process plays a vital role for producing loyal customers?
Question 4: How far do you agree that reward process help the company to retain the loyal customers?
Question 5: How far do you agree that the process of producing loyal customers help the company to handle the grievances?
Question 6: What are factors that help the Whitalers to increase the number loyal customers in the market?

2.3: Presentation of the collect data from the research project by using the graph and table

Quantitative data analysis:
Question 1) How long you have been customer of Whitakers Chocolate Ltd?

Number of respondents
Total respondents
% of respondents
3 months
6 months
1 year
More than 1 year
                       Table 2: Retention period of the customers
                                         Figurer1: Retention period of the customers

Question 2) How the Chocolate products of the Whitakers satisfy your requirements?

Number of respondents
Total respondents
% of respondents
Table 3: Satisfaction level of the customers

Figure 2: Satisfaction level of the customers
Question 3) How do you agree that the reward process plays a vital role for producing loyal customers?

Number of respondents
Total respondents
% of respondents
Table 4: Measure the performance of reward process

           Figure 3: Measure the performance of reward process

Question 4) How far do you agree that reward process help the company  to retain the loyal customers?
Number of respondents
Total respondents
% of respondents
Strongly agree
Table 5: The retention of the customers through the reward process
Figure 4: The retention of the customers through the reward process  

Question 5) How far do you satisfy that the process of producing loyal customers help the company to handle the grievances?
Number of respondents
Total respondents
% of respondents
Strong trustworthy
Not trustworthy
Table 6: Handling the grievances level of the customers
Figure 5: Handling the grievances level of the customers
Question 6) what are factors that help the Whitalers to increase the number loyal customers in the market?

Number of respondents
Total respondents
% of respondents
Quality of the Chocolates
Marketing strategies
Pricing strategies
Customer services
Table 7: Factors that increase the number of loyal customers
Figure 6: Factors that increase the number of loyal customers

Qualitative data analysis:
Question 1: What is the role of loyal customers in Whitakers Chocolate Ltd?
According to the 1st manager the loyal customers played a vital role for the success of the company. The loyalty of the customers helps the company to run the business activities for the last 128 years. The loyal customers also help the company for generating new customers in the market for the company (Lantos 2015, p.263).
According to the 2nd manager the loyal customers not only generate new customers but also provide some relevant informations about the changes of the consumers behavior and demand (Park et al.2014, P.265). The information helps the company to develop some new products according to the demand of the customers. These new products help the company to satisfy the requirements of new customers in the company.  
Question 2: What are the activities followed by the Whitakers Chocolate Ltd for producing loyal customers in the  market?
According to the 1st manager Company always try to maintain the standards of the quality of the products of the company (Segev et al. 2014, p.1585). The continuous application of feedback process helps the company to know about the opinions of the customers about the quality of the products. The feedback also provides some relevant information about the change in the taste and preferences of the customers (Hultman et al. 2015, p. 2230). The development of new products helps the company to meet the new requirements of the customers and improve the quality of the products. The development of new products and the improvement of the existing products help the company to produce some new loyal customers in the market.   
According to the 2nd manager the customer services of the company also help the to improve the number of loyal customers (Das, 2014, p. 289). The efficient employees of the customer service departments not only recognize the issues faced by the company but also provide some efficient solutions to the company to solve such issues of the customers.   

Task 3: The process of interpret and analyze the results of the research proposal

3.1: Application of research evaluation techniques to evaluate the results

Research Philosophy:
The application of the research philosophy in the research proposal helps the researcher to recognize and understand the topic of the research proposal in an efficient manner. The application of research philosophy depends on the nature of the topic used in the research proposal (Heitz-Spahn, 2013, p.575).  There are three types of research philosophy can be used in the research proposal such as positivism, post positivism and realism. The researcher use the post positivism research philosophy to interpret the models, backgrounds and theories associated with the topic of the research proposal.
Research approach:  The application of research approach in the research proposal helps the researcher to develop a format for the topic of the research. There are two types of research approach can be applied in the research proposal the first approach is deductive approach and the second approach is inductive approach (Gursoy et al. 2017, p.810). The researcher selects the research approach based on the availability of the information about the topic of the research proposal. The inductive approach helps the researcher to develop some new models and theories about the topic of the research proposal. On the other hand the deductive approach helps the researchers to collect some relevant information about the implementation and application of the topic in the practical activities of the company (Aksoy et al. 2014. P.40). The main objective of the selection of the deductive approach in the research proposal is to interpret the models and theories in details associated with the topic by using the data analysis process.        
Research design: The research design helps the researcher to explain the topic of the research proposal in details to the audience. The researcher can complete the  research proposal with the help of the three types of research design such as descriptive, explanatory and exploratory. The descriptive research design help the  researcher to identify the issues associated with the topic properly. It also help the researcher to explain and describe the topic. The explanatory research design provide attention on the questions arise about the topic of the research proposal. The Exploratory research design helps the researcher to define the topic of the research proposal properly. It also provides some important information about the topic that help the other researchers in the further research about it.  

3.2: Interpretation and analysis of the research topic by using the frequency and percentage

Interpretation of the outcomes from the quantitative questions (6 questions)
Question 1: How long you have been customer of Whittaker's Chocolate Ltd?
Interpretation: 55% of the participant customers are being the customers of the company for one year and they want to be the loyal customers of the company for a long period of time because companies can sale high quality chocolate products at a lower price than the other companies in the industry.    
Question 2: How the Chocolate products of the Whitakers satisfy your requirements?
Interpretation: 50% of the participants customers are satisfy with the quality of the chocolate products of the company. The use of new technologies and production process in the production activity not only increase the quality of the chocolates but also increase the taste of the chocolate which plays a vital role to satisfy the customers.   
Question 3: How do you agree that the reward process plays a vital role for producing loyal customers?
Interpretation: 45% participant customers are happy with the reward process of the company and they want to be the loyal customers of the Whitakers for a long period of time. The reward process of the company is working as a motivation for the customers to be the loyal customers of the company for a long period of time.
Question 4: How far do you agree that reward process help the company to retain the loyal customers?
Interpretation: 30% and 25% of the participant customers in the research proposal are agreed that the process of producing loyal customers adopted by the company not only produce new loyal customers but also increase the loyalty of the existing customers. The main reason of such outcome in the research proposal is the meeting of the requirements of the new customers improves the quality of the existing products.
Question 5: How far do you agree that the process of producing loyal customers help the company to handle the grievances?
Interpretation: 30% and 35% of the participant customers are thick that the process of producing loyal customers is trustworthy for handling the grievances of the customers. The main reason of such outcome is that the company can collect the information about the requirements and demand of the customers through the process of producing loyal customers. At the similar time the customers also provide their opinions about the quality and issues associated with the products.    
Question 6: What are factors that help the Whitakers to increase the number loyal customers in the market?
Interpretation: Among the all above factors the quality of the chocolates played an important role to increase the number of the loyal customers. 35% customers of the company turn into loyal customers for the quality of the products. 20% of the participant customers are turn into loyal customer for the pricing strategies of the company. The company has to improve their marketing strategies because only 15% participant customers are turned into loyal customers for the marketing strategies of the company.

3.3: Recommendations of different areas for the further research

The future researchers can use the following recommendations for the further research about the topic. The application of following recommendations in the further not only improves the quality but also increase the efficiency the research proposal. The recommendations are as follows:  
A) The further researcher can collect some information about the process of producing loyal customers followed by the competitors of the company.
B) The further research can also use some analytical tools such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis to acquire information about the future of the company.
C) In the further research the researcher can increase number of participant customers and managers during the research questionnaire part.
D) The number of the research questionnaires also can be increased by the future researchers to collect some additional information about the topic.
E) The researchers can use other techniques and tools to interpret the models and theories associated with the topic of the research proposal.

Task 4: The presentation of the result and recommendations of the result

4.1: Recommendations through a proper media

The researcher can use some appropriate media and format to present the outcome of the research proposal to the audiences. The appropriate use of media and format to present the outcome of the results help the researcher to educate the audience about the use of research topic in the practical situation. The researcher can present outcome of the research to a small group of people or the researcher can use an auditorium to provide the information about the outcome to a large number of people. The presentation of the outcome of the research proposal provides some new opportunities to the researcher if the research topic helps the audiences to solve the practical problems. The feedback from the audience helps the researcher to determine the loophole of the research proposal. The recovery of the loopholes of the research proposal not only improves the quality but also the increase the knowledge of the researcher about the project.       


The application of rewards process in the organisations to increase the number of loyal customers in the market is discussed throughout the entire research proposal. The organisations can use the reward process to increase the number of loyal customers in the company. The above research proposal also provides some recommendations to the company about the process of increase the number of the loyal customers. The reward process can motivate the existing and new customers to be loyal to the company for the long period of time.    

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