Friday, 28 April 2017


Marketing and communication plan is often abbreviated as a Marcom plan, which is the plan to communicate the marketing messages to the target audience or the customers. Marcom is often the targeted interaction with the customers using various prospects of media mediums like magazines, mails, television, telemarketing, internet etc. The complex and the fundamental part of the Marcom are making the efforts of marketing on the company’s part. The strategy is to promote the various marketing mix which consists of the Four Ps namely the price, product, place and promotion. The strategic communications in marketing often focuses on the customers served and their influence on the customers and donors. Integrated marketing communications helps in creating targeted, powerful and focused appeals for successful missions to impact on the fundraising and the brand.
Figure 1: Logo of George Weston Foods Limited
(Source: Welcome to George Weston Foods. 2017)
George Weston Foods is one of the major even the largest company in Australia. It is subsidized and associated by the British Foods. It includes the brands Top Taste and Tip Top. Weston’s biscuits consolidated with the company’s bylines in the products. The majority of these sweet brands have been acquired by Paradise foods. The company sells, produces, develops, distribute and markets other products in Australia. George Weston Foods offers various types of sliced and wholesome gourmet bakery products that have nutritive values. The company provides various hygienic and cleaning solutions for various facilities in food manufacturing and applications in super markets. Various supermarkets are served by them that include restaurants and commercial service channels. The joint ventures of the Weston Foods Ltd have operations in various parts of the US and parts in Asia. It serves various retailers, restaurants and numerous food channels. (Hollensen, 2015)
The key management issues of the Integrated Marketing Communication campaign of the George Weston Foods is based on the analysis for promotional opportunity. The GWF have used baking soda with the help of lemon juice as a substitute for yeast in their breads which is almost harmless to the body. To plan a campaign steps required are:
     To reach the target customers
     To promote by imparting knowledge  of the product
     To project methods relevant for promoting
Market segmentation deals with the process of dividing business markets or broad customers which consists both potential and existing into subgroups or segments of various customers which is based on some shared characteristics. (Tuten & Solomon, 2014).  
4.1 Demographic Segmentation
The demographic segmentation helps the George Weston Foods to reach its targeted customers more with accuracy. This type of segmentation helps to categories with the needs of the customers. The subsegments like the family life cycle are an interesting family cycle marketing team. It plans on advertising through various social and local cable ads where the elders and the kids are congregate. The product is edible by all age groups and there is no limitation to it. It helps in the customer retention and loyalty that focuses on the needs which in this case is an essential product to come back to its main business.
4.2 Geographic segmentation
The geographic segmentation is one of the most used variables in the strategy. It breaks the team into various sections to focus on the market size, density, climate of different states or world. The target of the GWF group of organisation is to focus on high density population so that the product is much more widely spread.
Figure 2: Market segmentation
(Source: Cornelissen, 2014)

4.3 Psychographic Segmentation
The psychographic segmentation divides the target market based on the personality traits that allows the WGF group to focus on the interests and lifestyle value of the customers keeping in mind their product.  The products marketing and designs plan have to be dressed accordingly to the customers.
4.4 Behavioral Segmentation
The specific focus patterns of the behaviors of various consumers are kept in mind while progressing through this segment. The product is genuine which is consumed by almost every one of all age groups. The patterns of usage in lifestyle and the benefits desired are on this segmentation (Batra, & Keller, 2016).
There are various strategies to approach the target in modern times (Testa et al., 2015). Marketing strategy plans various propositions that delivers and develops relevant procedures to engage itself with various audiences in target. The relevant digital marketing helps in more relevant communication that helps in various segments of the business and then helps in the development in product positioning and marketing mixes for almost each segment. The commercial and the potential attractiveness of the segments require the criteria size. The product of GWF organisation will require a larger market if they want to concentrate on large target audiences group and if the market is small that will an easy method to communicate. There are various differences in the segment classification (Belch & Belch, 2016). Profit margins should also be kept in mind while choosing the different plans in marketing. A major factor is accessibility, which should be used to receive different messages in marketing. The various segments that need to be benefitted should be focused.
The strategy for positioning requires branding processes that is symbolic towards consciousness of customers where associations and meanings are associated with words of individual that holds a high weight. The strategy is built up on chains of similarity, differentiation and distinctions with concepts of narrative balance. To solidify the identity of GWF it needs long term efforts towards services and products in places where the minds of target audience are kept in mind. The brand GWF needs to set itself with the target audience that influences and perceives the customers. This idea of positioning strategy goes back to the 20th century as per one named magazine (Robertson et al. 2014).
In an advertisement the creative strategy deals with pictorial objectives of that the creative strategy for an advertisement comes into the picture once the objectives for the advertisement are finalized (Mansfield, 2016). The creative strategy consists of six elements - creative objective, target market, primary selling proposition, secondary selling proposition, support and tone & manner. Advertisers use various appeals like rational, emotional and others to attract the attention of viewers. Some rational appeals are price, quality, feature, competitive advantage, news and popularity. Emotional appeals, which are used to arouse feelings, are humor, fear, music and sex. Apart from these, companies also use star appeal, reminder and teaser advertisements to promote the product. Various animated, testimonials, authoritative and informative can be used to begin as a creative process. Different illustrations often conclude with a layout, so in this case the GWF has to think of different illustrated creativity. The creative product should have various slogan, headline etc. various layouts can be used with regards to the principles of balance, proportion and unity.
The media has the role to deliver brand messages which helps to sustain and create different brand relationships (Karjaluoto, Mustonen & Ulkuniemi, 2015). There are various customers and companies connected to the media in the GWF organisation. The main aim of the product launching by the GWF group is to attract as much as audiences possible through this medium. The main aim of the advertisers is to attract the views of the customers. Marketing through the media helps us to build and reach our target smoothly and easily which has both geographic and demographic selections. It is a highly researched as well as has direct action and response which feeds back to the GWF group.
The word planning in Media has a definite role to action as well as to find the effective most and best ways to reach out and communicate to the target audience of the brand GWF group (Šerić, Gil-Saura, & Ruiz-Molina 2014). The media plan to promote the product should be efficient enough to gain maximum exposure at a low lost. The purpose the GWF group to plan for the media is to creatively analyze and select the channels for communication that will direct the messages to the right people. Before planning out the plan a complete analysis of the place to be marketed should be analyzed. There are various competitors in the market while keeping in mind the challenges of the competitors. To promote and market the bread the challenging factors should be kept in mind like one is the rising costs (Strauss, 2016). There are various complexities in choosing the right plan for the media which might have a greater fragmentation in audience. To deal with the problems careful ways should be kept in mind like insufficient information, time pressure, inconsistent terminology and various difficulties in measuring this effectiveness. Most importantly to whom the product is conveyed should be kept in mind along with the factors like the target audience's culture which will not be applicable in this case. The bread is an essential food for selecting and scheduling the plan for the media.
As not all the markets are created equally there is still scope for the traditional media in Marketing (Shen, et al. 2016). It has a direct effect on the consumer and also creates awareness amongst them. The traditional ones include billboards, radio, newspaper etc which still has a severe influence on the customers. There is a perfect mix for the right person as well as for the right time which is a key factor to the audience. The GWF has to think of the less privileged and fortunate people and advertise in the medias that are traditional in use.  This can be regarded as the best way to advertise on the grounds of marketing.
The best way in Today’s world to market the Product of GWF is through the internet, which is used worldwide (Kim & de Dear, 2013). The internet is one of a many media used in carrying forward the Marketing Communication method. To increase their level of ability in marketing and advertising the use of emails and web is a blessing. The efforts used in conjunction with the advertising mediums are magazines, radio and television. GWF can use the social media marketing along with the web and the email marketing in the communication plan of the product.
Digital marketing is an online term for efforts in marketing (Armstrong et al. , 2014). There are various websites like Google and various emails and websites that connect to the prospective of the current customers. People nowadays spent much time in the internet. There are various tactics that the GWF can follow to marketwise its product. There are various assets of the digital marketing as it includes various blogs, websites, eBooks and various media channels. The techniques can be used like Search engine optimization, content marketing as well as search engine marketing. The product while digitization has kept in mind various advantages in business. It is a popular and common way for customers to post their relevant queries and feedback to the concerned organisation.
In marketing and communication the Media scheduling refers to the advertising of various represented plots along with flowcharts on a yearly basis (Almquist, 2014). After the media selection and planning is done the GWF have diverted their attention towards scheduling. It deals with the amount of space and units to be purchased. It refers to the various patterns the product will be represented in. The GWF group will have to compete with comparatively short time span, if they bought a heavy weight competitor in the marketing field.
Figure 3: Budget for marketing
(Source: influenced by the view of Qi, R. (2015 )
There are various marketing communications that must be done to promote the Company GWF product (van den Driest & Weed, 2014). The various ways of advertising messages with its promotions also supports the overall marketing strategy. The effectiveness will only be evaluated when the efforts on the marketing budget will become efficient. There can be no planning in control of planning. It monitors the proposed plan along with the adjustments. It involves measurements, evaluation and monitoring. The resources are very scarce and it is important to control the marketing plan. Market share analysis along with the sales also controls the quality.

The section of this research paper has various claims towards the strategic credentials. There have been various barriers from the historical period but now the barriers like various fragmented developments and absence of various strategies and disciplines in communication is regarded as a tactical rather than strategic resource. The importance of the brand GWF has various advantages in the competitive market. There are various strategies towards focusing on intermediaries and stakeholders which recognize the complexity of the messages. 

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